The genitive case (родови́й відмі́нок) shows relationship, origin or possession. The word “родовий” comes from Ukrainian “рід” (a generation). The question you can ask is: “Whose? From where? Of what?” In English nouns, it is usually created by adding ‘s to the word or by preceding it with “of”.
Whose? (possession) | Це кни́га студе́нта. – This is the student’s book. |
From where? (origin) |
Вони́ з Аме́рики (f). – They are from America. Він ви́тягнув і́грашку з коро́бки. – He pulled a toy out of the box. |
Of what? (relation) |
Він части́на кома́нди (f). – He is part of the team. Сполу́чені Шта́ти Аме́рики. – United States of America? Скля́нка води́. – A glass of water. |
with prepositions: from / to / before / after / for / without / at / in front of / behind etc. |
Ка́ва без молока́. – Coffee without milk. Бі́ля шко́ли. – Near the school. Вона́ вже тут чека́є бли́зько годи́ни. – She is already waiting here for about an hour. Вони́ відмо́вились від у́часті. – They refused to participate (from participation). |
usually with the negative sentences* | У ме́не нема́є маши́ни. – I don’t have a car. |
after words expressing quantity (how many, several, few, etc.) |
У ме́не бага́то дру́зів. – I have many (a lot of) friends. |
name of the months when talking about dates | Пе́ршого ве́ресня. – The first of September. |
Prepositions used with genitive case
без – without
бі́ля, ко́ло – near, close
бли́зько – near, close, about
в, у – in (possession)
від – from
для – for
до – to, towards, until, before, up to
з / із / зі – from, out of
за́мість – instead of
зара́ди, ра́ди – for the sake of
крім / окрі́м – except for, besides
навко́ло – around
навпро́ти – in front of (opposite)
пі́сля – after
повз – past
по́за – outside
поза́ду – behind
попе́реду – ahead, in front of
посе́ре́д – among
про́ти – against
про́тягом, впродо́вж – during
се́ред – among
уздо́вж – along
че́рез – because of
що́до – as to, concerning
What ending to use?
Rule | Singular | Plural |
feminine / masculine nouns ending in-a | + и | [] |
feminine nouns ending in -я (-ія) | + і (ї) | [] |
feminine nouns ending in a consonant | + і | + ей |
masculine nouns ending in a consonant | + а(я) / у(ю)* | + ів |
neuter nouns ending in -о | + а | [] |
neuter nouns ending in -е | + я | + ів |
neuter nouns ending in -а, -я | + яти | + ят |
Some more examples:
Яки́й тві́й но́мер телефо́ну? (телефо́н) – What is your phone number?
Я з Іта́лії. (Іта́лія) – I am from Italy.
Він друг моє́ї роди́ни. (роди́на) – He is a friend of my family.
Край сві́ту. (світ) – The edge of the world.
Пе́рший день ти́жня. (ти́ждень)- The first day of the week.