Genitive case

The genitive case (родови́й відмі́нок) shows relationship, origin or possession. The word “родовий” comes from Ukrainian “рід” (a generation). The question you can ask is: “Whose? From where? Of what?” In English nouns, it is usually created by adding ‘s to the word or by preceding it with “of”.

Whose? (possession) Це кни́га студе́нта. – This is the student’s book.
From where? (origin)

Вони́ з Аме́рики (f). – They are from America.
Він ви́тягнув і́грашку з коро́бки. – He pulled a toy out of the box.
Of what? (relation) Він части́на кома́нди (f). – He is part of the team.
Сполу́чені Шта́ти Аме́рики. – United States of America?
Скля́нка води́. – A glass of water.
with prepositions:
from / to / before / after / for / without / at / in front of / behind etc.
Ка́ва без молока́. – Coffee without milk.
Бі́ля шко́ли. – Near the school.
Вона́ вже тут чека́є бли́зько годи́ни. – She is already waiting here for about an hour.
Вони́ відмо́вились від у́часті. – They refused to participate (from participation).
usually with the negative sentences* У ме́не нема́є маши́ни. – I don’t have a car.
after words expressing quantity (how many, several, few, etc.) У ме́не бага́то дру́зів. – I have many (a lot of) friends.
name of the months when talking about dates Пе́ршого ве́ресня. – The first of September.
*In Ukrainian, a direct object is either in the accusative case or in the genitive. This depends on whether the verb is affirmative or negated. The genitive case is used with negated verbs.

Prepositions used with genitive case

без – without
бі́ля, ко́ло – near, close
бли́зько – near, close, about
в, у – in (possession)
від – from
для – for
до – to, towards, until, before, up to
з / із / зі – from, out of
за́мість – instead of
зара́ди, ра́ди – for the sake of
крім / окрі́м – except for, besides
навко́ло – around
навпро́ти – in front of (opposite)
пі́сля – after
повз – past
по́за – outside
поза́ду – behind
попе́реду – ahead, in front of
посе́ре́д – among
про́ти – against
про́тягом, впродо́вж – during
се́ред – among
уздо́вж – along
че́рез – because of
що́до – as to, concerning

What ending to use?

Rule Singular Plural
feminine / masculine nouns ending in-a  + и []
feminine nouns ending in -я (-ія) + і (ї) []
feminine nouns ending in a consonant + і + ей
masculine nouns ending in a consonant + а(я) / у(ю)* + ів
neuter nouns ending in + а []
neuter nouns ending in + я + ів
neuter nouns ending in -а, -я + яти + ят
* Some masculine singular nouns have the ending “-а (-я)” in genitive case (e.g. animate nouns, specific objects, animal names, tree names, city names, names of days of the week, etc.), while others nouns have “-у (-ю)” (e.g. names of abstract concepts, names of natural phenomena, names of materials and substances, etc.).

Some more examples:

Яки́й тві́й но́мер телефо́ну? (телефо́н) – What is your phone number?
Я з Іта́лії. (Іта́лія) – I am from Italy.
Він друг моє́ї роди́ни. (роди́на) – He is a friend of my family.
Край сві́ту. (світ) – The edge of the world.
Пе́рший день ти́жня. (ти́ждень)- The first day of the week.