Past tense is used to describe actions that occurred in the past. Ukrainian verbs agree in gender and number with the subject of the sentence.
The past tense is formed with the suffix “-в” for masculine singular and “-л-” for feminine, neuter and plural.
роби́ти (to do) |
говори́ти (to speak) |
писа́ти (to write) |
шука́ти (to search) |
ми́тися* (to wash oneself) |
masculine (+в) |
я (I) ти (you) він (he) |
роби́в | говори́в | писа́в | шука́в | ми́вся |
feminine (+ла) |
я (I) ти (you) вона́ (she) |
роби́ла | говори́ла | писа́ла | шука́ла | ми́лася |
neuter (+ло) | воно́ (it) | роби́ло | говори́ло | писа́ло | шука́ло | ми́лося |
plural (+ли) |
ми (we) ви (you) вони́ (they) |
роби́ли | говори́ли | писа́ли | шука́ли | ми́лися |
Я шука́в свої́ ключі́. – I was looking for my keys.
Я шука́ла свою́ су́мку. – I was looking for my bag.
Ти чита́в кни́гу. – You were reading the book.
Ти чита́ла журна́л. – You were reading the magazine.
Ми співа́ли пі́сню. – We were singing a song.
Вони танцюва́ли. – They were dancing.
Я вчо́ра пішо́в до магази́ну. – I went to the store yesterday.
Вона́ сні́дала ра́но вра́нці. – She ate breakfast early in the morning.
Вони́ гра́ли в баскетбо́л пі́сля шко́ли. – They played basketball after school.
Ми перегля́нули фі́льм мину́лої но́чі. – We watched a movie last night.
Со́нце зайшло́ за го́рами. – The sun set behind the mountains.
Вона́ написа́ла лист своє́му дру́гові. – She wrote a letter to her friend.
Я приготува́в вече́рю для своє́ї роди́ни. – I cooked dinner for my family.