Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns (особо́ві займе́нники) are words used to represent people or things. Ukrainian has two singular “you”. One is informal (ти), the other is formal (ви).

Singular Plural
я – I ми – we
ти – you (informal),
ви – you (formal)
ви – you
він, вона́, воно́ – he, she, it вони́ – they

“Ти” vs “Ви”

“Ви” is a plural form of “ти”, but it can be used as a polite form for addressing a single person. “Ти” is used with someone you know well enough, a friend, a colleague, a close family member, a child, and sometimes with someone who is much younger than you. Use “ви” when addressing someone with whom you have a more respectful relationship like an elder, a boss or a stranger. A lot of people use “ви” when speaking to parents, this depends on how they were taught in their family. If you aren’t sure which one to use, always use “ви”.

The person of a higher position or who is older than you can ask you to use “ти”. When one person offers to use “ти” it’s impolite to refuse. If the other person is not older than you and has the same position you can ask him / her the following questions:

Мо́жна на “ти”? – May we switch to “ти”?
Ви не про́ти, якщо́ ми пере́йдемо́ на “ти”? – Would you mind if we switch to “ти”?
Пропону́ю перейти́ на “ти”. – I suggest switching to “ти”.
Дава́йте на “ти”. – Let’s switch to “ти”.

If they refuse, it might mean that it’s to early or they just want to keep the distance.

Declensions of possessive pronouns

I we you
he, it she they
Nom. я ми ти ви він / воно́ вона́ вони́
Gen. мене́,
(prep.) + ме́не*
нас тебе́,
(prep.) + те́бе*
вас його́,
(prep.) + ньо́го*
(prep.) + не́ї*
(prep.) + них*
Dat. мені́ нам тобі́ вам йому́ їй їм
Acc. мене́ нас тебе́ вас його́,
(prep.) + ньо́го*
(prep.) + не́ї*
(prep.) + них*
Instr. мно́ю на́ми тобо́ю ва́ми ним* не́ю* ни́ми*
Loc. (prep.) + мені́ (prep.) + нас (prep.) + тобі́ (prep.) + вас (prep.) + ньо́му, нім* (prep.) + ній* (prep.) + них*
*Note: The stress gets shifted in two-syllable personal pronouns to the first syllable after preposition, in addition the third person pronouns receive the “н-” prefix.

Examples with personal pronouns:

Він студе́нт. – He is a student.
Вона́ студе́нтка. – She is a student.
Ми студе́нти. – We are a student.
Він вчи́тель. – He is a teacher.
Вона́ вчи́телька. – She is a teacher.
Вони́ вчителі́. – They are teachers.
Ти мене́ ба́чиш? – Can you see me?
Ти мені допомо́жеш? – Will you help me?
Я тобі допомо́жу. – I will help you.
Він його́ не ба́чить. – He can’t see him.
Ти його́ зна́єш? – Do you know him?
Ні, я його́ не зна́ю. – No, I don’t know him.
Вони́ даю́ть нам час. – They give us time.
Вони́ йдуть з на́ми. – They go with us.
Ми розмовля́ємо з ни́ми. – We are speaking with them.
Ми даємо́ їм ви́бір. – We give them a choice.