Dative case

The dative case (дава́льний відмі́нок) is used to express an indirect object in a sentence. It indicates to whom (for whom) something is being done. The word “давальний” is derived from Ukrainian “давати” (to give). Most of the time it is used with animate nouns.

Хло́пець пи́ше ді́вчині лист. - A boy writes a girl a letter.

Note: This case is never used after prepositions.
Хло́пець пи́ше до ді́вчини лист. - A boy writes a letter to a girl.
"Ді́вчини" is in the genitive case because the preposition "до" is used.

Common usages:

telling your ageСкі́льки вам ро́ків? - How old are you? (Lit. How many years to you?)
Мені́ два́дцять п'ять. - I am 25. (Lit. To me 25)
feelings, emotionsЇй хо́лодно. - She is (feeling) cold. (Lit.(It is) cold to her).
Йому́ ціка́во. - He is interested.
Тобі́ стра́шно? - Are you scared?
Мені́ пога́но. - I am feeling bad.
I like ...Моє́му дру́гові подо́бається цей автомобі́ль. - My friend likes this car. (Lit. "To my friend the car is likable")
Ді́вчині подо́баються ці квіти. - The girl likes these flowers.
I need ...Мені́ тре́ба знайти квартиру. - I need to find an apartment. (Lit. "To me it is necessary to find an apartment". "Тре́ба" is an adverb expressing necessity)
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