Future tense

The future tense describes actions which will happen in the future. Both imperfective and perfective Ukrainian verbs can form the future tense.

Imperfective future tense

There are two ways for creating the Imperfective future tense:

  1. with the help of an auxiliary verb "бути" (to be) and the imperfective infinitive that agrees with the subject;
  2. by adding to the infinitive of imperfective verbs the suffix "м" and the same endings (-у, -о, -еш, -ете, -име, -уть) as in the present tense of the first conjugation group.

Both forms have the same meaning and are interchangeable. The imperfective future expresses an ongoing or repeated action that will be happening in the future without indicating the ending of such action.

pronounauxiliary verb "to be""to write""to read"
ябу́ду +писа́тичита́ти
тибу́деш +писа́тичита́ти
мибу́демо +писа́тичита́ти
вибу́дете +писа́тичита́ти
він, вона́, воно́бу́де +писа́тичита́ти
вони́бу́дуть +писа́тичита́ти

Я бу́ду чита́ти кни́гу цьо́го ве́чора. - I will be reading a book this evening.
Я бу́ду ходи́ти на робо́ту ко́жного дня. - I will be going to work every day.
Я чита́тиму кни́гу цьо́го ве́чора. - I will be reading a book this evening.
Я ходи́тиму на робо́ту ко́жного дня. - I will be going to work every day.

яinfinitive + муписа́тимучита́тиму
тиinfinitive + мешпи́са́тимешчита́тимеш
миinfinitive + мемопи́са́тимемочита́тимемо
виinfinitive + метепи́са́тиметечита́тимете
він, вона́, воно́infinitive + мепи́са́тимечита́тиме
вони́infinitive + мутьпи́са́тимутьчита́тимуть

Perfective future tense

Perfective future tense is used with perfective verbs. The action will be completed in the future. There are two groups of verb conjugation.

The perfective future has the same endings as the present tense, but it is formed from the perfective infinitive.

pronounfirst conjugationsecond conjugation
він, вона́, воно́напи́шепрочита́є
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